Biodance on Korea kosmeetikabränd, mis keskendub pikaajaliste tulemuste saavutamisele, mitte ajutisele efektile.

Brändi moto „Better Formula for Better Glow“ peegeldab nende lähenemist: luua tasakaalustatud valemeid, mis muudavad naha tervislikuks ja kauniks.

Biodance’i tooted on valmistatud koostisosadest, mis vastavad EWG Green ja Korea FDA ohutusstandarditele, pakkudes usaldusväärset ja ohutut nahahooldust.

Showing all 2 results

  • Biodance mask collagen

    Face Mask Biodance Bio-Collagen Real Deep Mask, 34 g

    0 out of 5

    Biodance Bio-Collagen Real Deep Mask hydrogel mask contains concentrated collagen essence that absorbs within 3-4 hours, transforming the skin: it intensely moisturizes, nourishes and softens, tightens enlarged pores, evens skin texture and gives a healthy glow. Smoothes wrinkles, eliminates dullness, improves its collagen and hyaluronic acid production, strengthens the natural protective barrier. Prevents dryness, scaling and irritation, increases skin density...

  • Biodance real deep mask

    Biodance Hydro Cera-Nol Real Deep Mask

    0 out of 5

    Biodance Hydro Cera-Nol Real Deep Mask is a nightly hydro-gel mask, a melting mask infused with concentrated essence. It intensively nourishes and moisturises, repairs dry and damaged skin, reduces sensitivity and strengthens the protective hydrolipidic layer. It removes scaling, softens rough and weather-beaten areas, triggers internal regeneration processes and soothes irritation. Brightens tone, removes dullness and reduces the appearance of dehydration....