The History of Whoo – Imperaatorinna ajalugu.

Korea keiserlik luksuskosmeetika, mis põhineb idamaistel ravimtaimedel. Brändi filosoofia – iidsete iluretseptide ja nanotehnoloogia kombinatsioon viib teid luksuse ja elegantsi maailma.

Bränd kuulub juhtivale kosmeetikatootjale LG, mis on kvaliteetse ja uuendusliku kosmeetika loomise liider.

The History of Whoo põhineb salajasel iidsel hiina retseptil Gongjindian, mis töötati kunagi välja keiserliku perekonna jaoks, kes ihkas igavest noorust ja ilu. Tootja kinnitab, et eksootilised koostisosad nagu spargel, kikkaputk, sarvelaadsed moodustised ja metsik tüümian stimuleerivad eluenergia Qi ringlust.

Looduslik ja ilma kahjulike säilitusaineteta.

Showing all 10 results

  • The History of Whoo Illuminating Refining Essence

    0 out of 5
    0,60 99,90 
    0,49 81,92 

    The History of Whoo Illuminating Refining Essence A lightweight gel-like essence is rich in moisturising and nourishing ingredients, balancing and brightening the skin comfortably. Provides a clean, translucent complexion and smooth texture. Cleansing, brightening and regenerating essence - brightens and revitalises the skin. Effectively fights wrinkles, restores and brightens dull skin. The essence gently enriches the skin with active...

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  • Night Restorative Mask for Face and Neck The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Neck & Face Sleeping Repair Mask

    0 out of 5
    1,45 79,90 
    1,19 65,52 

    Night Restorative Mask for Face and Neck with Oriental Herbs against Wrinkles This is a herbal night mask that takes care of both face and neck at the same time. The rich texture of the mask is fully absorbed, leaving skin incredibly soft and smooth the very next morning. Action: Helps to reduce the visibility of wrinkles. Thanks to its fermented plant extracts, the mask provides the skin with nutrients, softens the...

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  • The History of Whoo Jinyulhyang Intensive Wrinkle Concentrate

    0 out of 5

    Jinyulhyang Intensive Wrinkle Concentrate is the best solution for deep wrinkles caused by moisture loss. The concentrate is formulated with ligusticum chuanxiongi, which improves Qi (blood circulation), helping to effectively reduce the appearance of facial lines that often occur between the eyebrows, around the eyes, cheeks and corners of the mouth. Concentrated anti-wrinkle essence for the care of the eye area and the nasolabial region. Intense filler that smoothes wrinkles. Contains red ginseng, which...

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  • The History of Whoo Jinyulhyang Intensive Revitalizing Cream

    0 out of 5

    0,82 6,56 

    Intensive regenerating face cream. It's a rich and nourishing cream essence that glides on easily, keeping skin hydrated for long periods of time. For a more effective result, it is recommended to use it at night - it will leave your skin looking radiant and healthy the next morning. The cream contains the "Gamisoyosan" formula and wild red ginseng root extract. The cream also contains medicinal thyme extract, thyme extract,...

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  • The History of Whoo Intensive Revitalizing Essence

    0 out of 5
    1,15 10,90 
    0,94 8,94 

    Intensive Revitalizing Facial Essence The History of Whoo Intensive Revitalizing Essence. A concentrated essence based on red ginseng to help prevent ageing. The essence is formulated with herbs and fruits that have undergone a fermentation process. Pomegranate Seed Oil Extract, Soybean Oil, Red Poppy Seed Oil, Ginseng Root Extract, Poinsettia Root Extract and Baikal Fenugreek Extract restore energy and circulation, revitalise cells and strengthen and...

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  • The History Of Whoo Vital Hydrating 5pcs gift set

    0 out of 5
    25,90  21,24 

    Moisturising kit with camellia extract restores the skin's moisture balance, fights signs of ageing and protects against environmental damage. Moisturising the face is as important as cleansing or nourishing. Our cells, including skin cells, are constantly undergoing biochemical reactions that require water. Our skin loses moisture every day and if moisture levels are not restored in time, the skin becomes dehydrated, less elastic and less...

  • Premium mini set The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Special Gift Set

    0 out of 5
    15,90  13,04 

    The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang 3 Special Gift Set - a premium facial treatment set specially designed for mature skin. The set has a pronounced antioxidant effect: it regenerates damaged epidermal cells, reduces the depth of wrinkles and skin blemishes. The main ingredient of this range is the natural ginseng extract, which helps to fight premature ageing processes, gives the skin a healthy appearance, improves tone,...

  • Taastav essents The History of Whoo Cheongidan Illuminating Regenerating Essence

    0 out of 5

    0,82 6,56 

    Taastav essents annab nahale sära ja suurendab elujõudu. See võitleb tõhusalt kortsude vastu, taastab ja helendab tuhmi nahka. Essents rikastab nahka õrnalt aktiivsete koostisosadega, soodustab sügavat imendumist, täiendab toitainete ja niisutavate ainete varusid ning tugevdab naha turgorit. Regulaarse kasutamise järel muutub nahk elastsemaks, pringimaks ja säravamaks. Aitab kõrvaldada nahaprobleeme ning leevendab põletikulisi protsesse. Essents imendub…

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  • Silmaseerum The History of Whoo Illuminating Regenerating Eye Serum

    0 out of 5


    Siidjas toitev seerum, mis on loodud õrna silmaümbruse naha hooldamiseks. Efektiivselt võitleb kortse, taastab ja heledab tuhmunud nahka. Pärast regulaarset kasutamist muutub nahk elastsemaks, toonuses ja säravamaks. Aitab kõrvaldada nahaprobleeme, leevendab põletikulisi protsesse ja aknet. Seerum kuulub Cheongidan Regenerating (Hwa Hyun) „Särav tervis“ seeriasse – see on taastav, noorendav ja tervendav tootesari, mis on loodud…

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  • Men's lux skin care set The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Kun Jayang Trio Set

    0 out of 5
    139,90  114,72 

    The kit contains natural herbal ingredients specially formulated to nourish and restore men's skin. It helps to revitalise and care for rough skin and skin showing signs of ageing. Properties. Softens: soothes roughness and smoothes the skin. Combats dullness: restores the skin's radiant, healthy appearance. Moisture-retaining: reinforces the skin's natural moisture barrier. Soothes the skin...