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Showing 241–287 of 287 results
49,90 € 40,92 €
Pyunkang Yul Black Tea Enriched Cream strengthens and smoothes the skin, making it supple, reduces the depth of wrinkles and eliminates dryness, leaving skin soft and radiant. The cream gently brightens and helps to get rid of pigmentation and condition spots. This rejuvenating nourisher improves the barrier functions of the epidermis, gives a healthy glow and evens the complexion, slows down the ageing process, intensively nourishes and moisturises, prevents flakiness....
32,90 € 26,98 €
O HUI Miracle Moisture Cleansing Foam Set is a luxurious set of moisturizing foams that provides a soft and gentle cleansing action. The hypoallergenic formula is suitable for sensitive skin, does not cause itching or tightness, and the special patented complex helps to retain moisture in epidermal cells and protects against dehydration. The kit contains two volumes of foam (200 ml and 100 ml), one of...
38,90 € 31,90 €
Mediheal Vitamide Brightening Pad brightening toning pads combat dullness, smooth skin tone, brighten pigmentation and give a natural glow. They help to reduce dark circles, redness, post-acne marks and sun-induced pigmentation spots. Purify and provide antioxidant protection, slowing down the ageing process. Moisturise and soften the skin, preparing it for the following products. The formula is formulated using liposomal technology, which ensures that the active ingredients...
3,90 € 3,20 €
Anua Heartleaf 77% Soothing Sheet Mask A soothing sheet mask with heartleaf extract helps to quickly relieve itching and irritation, even skin tone and reduce redness. Intensely moisturizes, eliminating dryness and flaking. Has antibacterial action, helps treat minor inflammations and acne. The main active ingredient of the mask is 77% heartwort extract, which has pronounced wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Normalizes skin condition,...
7 € – 21,90 €
5,74 € – 17,96 €
Strengthening Massage Cream for Eyes with Bakuchiol SKIN1004 Probio-Cica Bakuchiol Eye Cream has a strong sealing effect, restores the integrity of the lipid layer, restores moisture and moisturizes intensively. Helps to smooth fine lines and reduce the depth of fine lines. The cream has a special applicator that makes it easy to apply the product to the skin without damaging or stretching it. Improves the absorption of the active ingredients and enhances their effect on the delicate skin around the eyes. Suitable...
35,90 € 29,44 €
Medi-Peel Aqua Mooltox Sparkling Essence instantly fills the moisture deficit in epidermal cells, forming a barrier that maintains optimal moisture levels and protects against dehydration. Relieves dryness, tightness and flakiness, restoring skin tone and a healthy glow. The essence is based on the 46,9% Blue Waterlock Complex, composed of 5 types of hyaluronic acid, aquaporins, 17 types of amino acids, ectoine and aerated water. This formulation is able to...
7,90 € – 23,90 €
Red Lacto Collagen Cleansing Oil is a hydrophilic oil of lactobacilli that gently and thoroughly removes tough make-up. Removes dirt from pores and eliminates oily shine. Eliminates dryness and tightness, softens and eliminates irritation. The tool easily dissolves all types of dirt, dust, foundation. Prevents the formation of blackheads and comedones, regulates the sebaceous glands. Maintains an optimal water-lipid balance, improves the skin's barrier functions,...
23,90 € 19,60 €
Medi-Peel Peptide 9 Aqua Essence Trial Kit strengthens and revitalizes skin, eliminates dullness, evens tone and improves complexion. It effectively removes toxins, slows down the ageing process and blocks free radicals that damage collagen fibres. The travel-size product kit is ideal for a first introduction to the range and is also handy to take on trips, holidays or to the gym. Plus a practical minimalist-style cosmetic bag. The set...
64,90 € 53,22 €
The dual formula, used in combination, ensures the perfect consistency for your skin condition, which changes from day to day. The serum, which moisturises and soothes the skin well, combined with the intensive moisturiser, which is beneficial for skin nourishment and elasticity, form a 2-in-1 intensive skin care system. The optimal ratio of 10,000 parts per million of white truffle and tocopherol-infused white truffle provides additional elasticity to both serum and cream....
30,90 € 25,34 €
A new generation sunscreen with natural filters and ultra-light texture, it provides reliable and comprehensive protection against UVA and UVB rays, without leaving white marks or a sticky finish. The combination of unique ingredients prevents the negative effects of environmental pollution and helps protect the skin against pigmentation and signs of premature ageing. Not tested on animals. Vegan product. Application.
1 € – 8 €
0,82 € – 6,56 €
Taastav essents annab nahale sära ja suurendab elujõudu. See võitleb tõhusalt kortsude vastu, taastab ja helendab tuhmi nahka. Essents rikastab nahka õrnalt aktiivsete koostisosadega, soodustab sügavat imendumist, täiendab toitainete ja niisutavate ainete varusid ning tugevdab naha turgorit. Regulaarse kasutamise järel muutub nahk elastsemaks, pringimaks ja säravamaks. Aitab kõrvaldada nahaprobleeme ning leevendab põletikulisi protsesse. Essents imendub…
1 €
0,82 €
Siidjas toitev seerum, mis on loodud õrna silmaümbruse naha hooldamiseks. Efektiivselt võitleb kortse, taastab ja heledab tuhmunud nahka. Pärast regulaarset kasutamist muutub nahk elastsemaks, toonuses ja säravamaks. Aitab kõrvaldada nahaprobleeme, leevendab põletikulisi protsesse ja aknet. Seerum kuulub Cheongidan Regenerating (Hwa Hyun) „Särav tervis“ seeriasse – see on taastav, noorendav ja tervendav tootesari, mis on loodud…
24,90 € 20,42 €
Why choose Arencia Cleanser? Moisturising action: Increases skin moisture levels in the deeper layers of 45,87% and 5,90% after use. Deep cleansing. Dual-functional product. Unique mochi-like texture - achieved thanks to a meticulous 170-hour fermentation process and more than 1000...
24,90 € 20,42 €
All-in-one cleanser with natural ingredients that nourish the skin. No need to double cleanse! Gently removes make-up, excess oil and dirt. Processed more than 7200 times and made with more than 30 plant-based ingredients through a 72-hour fermentation process, the product has the mochi-like texture typical of Arencia. Free from parabens, phthalates, alcohol and silicones. This cleansing face wash, containing rice ferment filtrate and vegan musk, gently but effectively removes make-up residue and fine...
24,90 € 20,42 €
Medi-Peel kollageeni ja laktobatsillidega minikomplekt – hooldus, taastamine, vananemisvastane mõju, võitlus põletike ja naha suurenenud tundlikkusega Kosmeetikatooted normaliseerivad rasueritust, tagavad naha niisutuse ja vitamiinide tasakaalu, parandavad elastsust ja tugevust ning tugevdavad naha kohalikku immuunsust. Need sobivad nii kuivale, tundlikule ja ketendavale nahale kui ka rasusele, aknele kalduvale nahale, aidates leevendada ärritust, punetust ja liigset rasueritust….
38,90 € 31,90 €
See täissuuruses kaheetapiline nahapuhastuskomplekt tagab õrna, kuid tõhusa puhastuse, hoolitsedes samal ajal nahamikrobioomi tasakaalu ja epidermise kaitsevõime eest. Komplekt toidab, niisutab ja taastab nahka, samal ajal eemaldades meigi, mustuse ja liigse rasu, puhastades ja ahendades poore ning ennetades mustade täppide ja komedoonide teket. Komplekti kuuluvad tooted: Pro Balance Pure Cleansing Oil (155 ml) – hüdrofiilne…
68,90 € 56,50 €
See täissuuruses toodetega vegan nahahoolduskomplekt pakub intensiivset niisutust ja toitumist, aidates võidelda naha dehüdratsiooni ja kuivusega. Tooted taastavad kahjustatud nahapiirkondi, tugevdavad naha kaitsebarjääri, rahustavad ärritusi ning toetavad mikrobioomi tasakaalu. Komplekti kuuluvad tooted: Vegan kombucha tee essents (150 ml) – intensiivselt niisutav ja toitaineterikas essents, mis kõrvaldab kuivuse ja ketenduse, taastades naha mugavustunde. Sisaldab 78% fermenteeritud…
30,90 € 25,34 €
The probiotic serum provides up to 200 hours of hydration after the first use.It is formulated for all skin types prone to dryness, scaling, redness and showing signs of loss of elasticity. The balanced formula combines immune-modulating, anti-inflammatory, moisture-retaining and strengthening active ingredients. It is the synergistic action of the key ingredients that replenishes the skin's moisture, strengthens the skin matrix, smoothes wrinkles, reduces redness and erythema....
14,90 € 12,22 €
The Face Shop Rice Ceramide Moisturizing Cream parandab kuiva, tundliku, niiskusvaese ja küpse naha seisundit: niisutab ja toidab nahka; eemaldab ketenduse ja kiskuva tunde; vähendab kortsude nähtavust; helendab pigmendilaike; kaitseb nahka keskkonna kahjulike mõjude eest. Kreemil on toitev tekstuur ja meeldiv lõhn, see imendub kiiresti ja jaotub nahale ühtlaselt. Peamised toimeained: Betaiin – sügavniisutab, leevendab…
12,90 € Первоначальная цена составляла 12,90 €.9 €Текущая цена: 9 €.
The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Foam contains rice extract. Rice extract leaves skin smooth, soft and silky soft. Ideal for dry and ageing skin. Rice extract moisturises the skin, activates the metabolism and smoothes wrinkles. Products based on rice extract are designed to prevent premature ageing, refresh and soften the skin. Restores and nourishes the skin and helps to prevent wrinkles. Amino acids and minerals....
27,90 € 22,88 €
Näohoolduse minikomplekt tigu-mutsiiniga – sügav niisutus ja taastav hooldus Sobib ideaalselt reisile ning suurepärane viis tutvuda brändi toodetega. Komplekt sisaldab: Puhastusgeel tigu-mutsiiniga Advanced Snail Mucin Gel Cleanser (20 ml) Taastav essents näole tigu-mutsiiniga Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence (30 ml) Silendav silmakreem peptiidide ja tigu-mutsiiniga Advanced Snail Peptide Eye Cream (5 g) Taastav näokreem…
8 € 6,56 €
Sügavpuhastav õli – efektiivne meigieemaldus ja niisutus Sügavpuhastav õli eemaldab täielikult meigi ja mustuse, jättes naha värskeks ja pehmeks. Selle tugev puhastusvõime võimaldab hõlpsalt eemaldada ka veekindla kosmeetika. Peamised omadused: 3-AHA kompleks (sidrunhape, piimhape, glükoolhape) aitab õrnalt eemaldada surnud naharakud, muutes naha siledamaks. Roosi peptiid ja Hydro Ceramide Complex niisutavad nahka ka pärast puhastamist. Jojoba-…
33,90 € 27,80 €
Medipeel+ Phyto Exosome PDRN Lifting Shot Serum is an anti-ageing firming serum from the Korean brand MEDIPEEL, containing apple phytosomes and lotus derived polynucleotides (PDRN). The serum restores skin elasticity, promotes skin renewal and gives it a youthful glow. Main properties of the serum. Smoothes out fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and lips and reduces the appearance of...
23,90 € 19,60 €
Intensely moisturising serum replenishes moisture and restores dry and dehydrated skin. Softens rough and weather-damaged areas, calms irritation and reduces flakiness. 63% Glacier Water - Water enriched with minerals and trace elements (including calcium and magnesium) to replenish the skin's moisture reserves, improve cellular oxygenation, restore the skin's hydrolipidic balance. Moisturising masking effect - the serum creates a moisture-locking barrier that...
13,90 € 11,40 €
Kliiniliselt testitud ja tõestatud toimega jahutav ja rahustav modelleerimismask Õrn ja pehme modelleerimismask kinnitub tihedalt nahale, tardub järk-järgult ning vabastab niisutavateepuu seerumi, pakkudes sügavat niisutust ja jahutavat hooldust. Vähendab kuumustundlikkust ja punetust. Ahendab poore ja tugevdab naha kaitsebarjääri juba pärast esimest kasutuskorda. Pakub jahutavat, rahustavat ja niisutavat hooldust Peamised koostisosad: Valge trühvel – toitainerikas luksuslik koostisosa,…
25,90 € 21,24 €
Medicube Zero Pore Pad 2.0 is an essence-infused exfoliating pad containing lactic acid and salicylic acid. They help to gently remove dead skin cells, smooth the skin surface, reduce oiliness and tighten pores. Citrus extracts give the product antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, while panthenol, Asiatic water-lily extract and royal jelly extract soothe, restore and moisturise the skin. Active ingredients.
16,90 € 13,86 €
The Benton Fermentation Starter Kit contains a toner, essence and eye cream Nourishing Fermentation Galactomyces 99 Skin Toner (20 ml), which contains a 99% galactomyces enzyme filtrate to deeply hydrate and nourish the skin. The toner helps to restore faded skin tone and adds elasticity. The product is formulated with a proprietary extraction process that preserves maximum active ingredients. Fermentation essence (20 ml) contains a high concentration of fermented...
40,90 € 33,54 €
Missha Time Revolution Night Repair Ampoule Cream 5X Night Rejuvenating Ampoule Cream for intensive skin repair. The cream has an outstanding anti-ageing effect, smoothes fine wrinkles, reduces the appearance of deeper wrinkles, firms and tightens facial contours, improves the skin's protective functions, intensively moisturises and nourishes, maintaining the epidermis in optimal condition. Extreme Biome (51%), a special patented double fermentation component, significantly improves the skin's condition in just one...
40,90 € 33,54 €
Missha Time Revolution Night Repair Ampoule 5X Night Restorative Probiotic Serum has a strong rejuvenating effect, tightens facial contours, firms skin tone, increases tissue elasticity and slows down the skin's ageing process. The highly concentrated serum acts on the deep layers of the skin, smoothing fine lines, reducing the appearance of deep wrinkles, firming and smoothing the surface of the skin. Intensively moisturises the skin and restores the epidermal moisture balance, gently lightens pigmentation and...
17,90 € 14,68 €
Black Rice Bakuchiol Eye Cream restores the elasticity of the skin around the eyes, reduces dark circles and rejuvenates the skin. Ingredients. The main active ingredient is buchiol, a powerful antioxidant and a natural alternative to retinol. Like retinol, bacuchiol has a strong anti-ageing effect, prevents premature ageing of the skin, promotes cell renewal and evens skin tone. At the same time, bacuchiol is safe,...
139,90 € 114,72 €
The kit contains natural herbal ingredients specially formulated to nourish and restore men's skin. It helps to revitalise and care for rough skin and skin showing signs of ageing. Properties. Softens: soothes roughness and smoothes the skin. Combats dullness: restores the skin's radiant, healthy appearance. Moisture-retaining: reinforces the skin's natural moisture barrier. Soothes the skin...
29,90 € 24,52 €
Matting exfoliating pads with lactobacilli and collagen Medi-Peel Red Lacto Collagen Peeling Pad work in two directions: they lift and smooth the skin, improve its density and trigger the internal process of skin rejuvenation. Purify the skin, remove dead skin cells and reduce the visibility of pores, preventing them from becoming blocked. Key active ingredients:One of the key components is an advanced form of collagen that penetrates the epidermis faster and deeper thanks to its smaller molecular mass....
49,90 € Первоначальная цена составляла 49,90 €.29,89 €Текущая цена: 29,89 €.
Salmon Oil Cream: innovative care for your skin This cream restores the elasticity and firmness of exhausted skin with an effective formula containing salmon oil (rich in omega-3 fatty acids), salmon berry, caviar extract, L22 (US patent) and additional components such as seaweed. These ingredients deliver oil and moisture deep into the skin layers. Key benefits Dual-action care....
39,90 € 32,72 €
This innovative cream is specifically formulated to effectively reduce pigmentation, post acne and other skin imperfections. It has a gel-based formula with vitamin capsules. When applied to the skin, the gel blends with the melting capsule to form a uniform texture. The main ingredients of the vitamin capsule are 50% sea buckthorn hydrolate, 5% niacinamide and pure vitamin C, encapsulated to maintain freshness and effectiveness with each application. These components...
11,90 € 9,76 €
The cleansing foam Etude Baking Powder Pore Cleansing Foam with "3-in-one" baking soda combines the properties of several products: make-up remover, deep pore cleanser and gentle exfoliator. The multifunctionality is due to the active ingredients - microcrystalline cellulose, lactic acid and baking soda. Regular use results in.
33,90 € Первоначальная цена составляла 33,90 €.22,95 €Текущая цена: 22,95 €.
Missha Vita C Plus Spot Correcting & Firming Ampoule - an anti darkening and firming ampoule that brightens pigmentation, reduces dark spots, acne scars and signs of inflammation, removes dull complexion and evens skin tone. Smoothes wrinkles, increases skin radiance and elasticity, slows down the ageing process, firms the skin, softens and smoothes the micro-relief, reducing visible signs of photo-ageing and protecting against the effects of UV rays....
21,90 € 17,96 €
The CKD Retino Collagen Small Molecule 300 Glow Stick is a convenient tool to use topically to nourish the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It effectively relieves dryness and flakiness, restores the skin's moisture balance and provides a healthy glow. The stick helps to tighten the skin, smooth wrinkle lines and reduce both mimic and static wrinkles. High in collagen and elastin, it...
29,90 € 24,52 €
Missha Vita C Plus Spot Correcting Concentrate helps to reduce hyperpigmentation, evens skin tone, removes dullness and gives skin a beautiful glow. The high concentration of vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen, making the skin more elastic, reducing wrinkles and slowing down the ageing process. It also provides antioxidant protection against external aggressors such as UV rays and urban pollution. The ampoule smoothes the texture of the skin, softens the surface, reduces the appearance of blackheads, acne scars and...
44,90 € 36,82 €
Sun-Away Multi Effect Sun Block AD Set is the perfect sun protection system designed to protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. The set contains the following products. UV-AB and UV-AB protection (UV-A and UV-B). UVA, UVB and UVB protection....
27,90 € 22,88 €
Anua Airy Sun Cream SPF50+ PA++++, a lightweight mineral sunscreen based on natural filters, creates a protective barrier on the skin. Thanks to zinc oxide, the product reflects all types of sun rays like a mirror, preventing photodamage and sunburns, including on photosensitive skin. Zinc oxide also has an anti-inflammatory effect, soothing skin irritation and redness. In terms of ease of use, the product offers maximum comfort thanks to the natural ingredients, which...
23 € Первоначальная цена составляла 23 €.9,90 €Текущая цена: 9,90 €.
AXIS-Y Cera-Heart My Type Duo Cream for T and U-zones is specially formulated for combination skin that needs special care. Combination skin is usually more oily in the T-zone and normal or dry-prone in the U-zone. The first cream in history with two unique formulas able to meet the care needs of the U and T zones Key active ingredients.
38,90 € 31,90 €
Intensely moisturizing Mediheal Watermide Toner Pad with sandal water quickly fills the moisture deficit after face washing, normalizing the skin's optimal acid balance. The product effectively combats dryness and dehydration, moisturizes richly and removes a tugging sensation. The pads have a mild cooling effect, instantly relieving itching and redness, soothing irritated skin. The main ingredient of the product is a high concentration of glacial water from Iceland, which has a long-lasting moisturising...
27,90 € 22,88 €
Medi-Peel Melanon X Ampoule reduces the depth of wrinkles, eliminates hyperpigmentation and evens the complexion, leaving skin smooth, supple and radiant. The product fights dullness, firms and tightens the skin, restores moisture balance, smoothes the skin around the nasolabial folds, eyes and mouth. The product's active ingredients normalise the activity of melanocytes, the cells responsible for melanoma pigmentation. It prevents the formation of pigmentation spots and lightens already...
24,90 € 20,42 €
Medi-Peel Melanon X Drop Gel Cream is a refreshing gel and moisturizing capsules containing active ingredients that brighten, rejuvenate and hydrate. The product improves elasticity and firmness, lightens pigmentation, prevents the appearance of new wrinkles and age spots, supports youthful skin and evens tone, giving a natural glow. The product contains liposomes, special capsules that transport vitamins and active ingredients to the skin....
23,90 € 19,60 €
Medi-Peel Red Lacto Collagen Trial Kit is specifically designed for oily skin: it normalizes oil glands, reduces oil production during the day and mattifies. Helps to tighten enlarged pores, increases elasticity of blood vessel walls. Actively moisturises and supports healthy microbiota in the epidermis. The hit Red Lacto range miniature set is perfect for introducing the new range. The products are handy to take with you on your travels....
30,90 € 25,34 €
The ultra-light texture provides skin with reliable all-round protection against UVA, UVB and HEV rays without leaving white marks or a sticky finish. The combination of unique ingredients prevents the negative effects of environmental pollution and helps protect the skin against pigmentation and signs of premature ageing. Patented ingredient AQUAXYL deeply moisturises and locks in moisture. The product has been tested by the Korea Institute of Dermatological Sciences to ensure its moisture...
38,90 € 31,90 €
Brightening sun protection coushion reliably protects the skin from UVA, UVB rays, evens skin tone, refreshes, moisturizes and gives the skin a natural glow. The product's light texture applies evenly to the skin without leaving a sticky finish, while its convenient format makes application quick and easy. Active ingredients.