Premium mini set The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Special Gift Set


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    The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang 3 Special Gift Set - a premium facial care kit specially designed for mature skin. The kit has a pronounced antioxidant action: it restores damaged epidermal cells, reduces the depth of wrinkles and skin blemishes.

    The key ingredient in this range is natural ginseng extract, which helps to fight premature ageing, give skin a healthy appearance, improve tone, smooth the complexion and actively nourish and moisturise.

    Unique patented ingredient "GongJinHyang", composed of herbal blends prepared according to an ancient imperial recipe, strengthens the skin's regenerative functions, rejuvenates and maintains skin elasticity.

    The kit contains three products:

    • Gongjinhyang Essential Moisturizing Balancer (20 ml) - moisturising toner. Soothes irritated skin, eliminates dryness and restores optimal moisture levels.
    • Gongjinhyang Intensive Nourishing Emulsion (20 ml) - nourishing emulsion. Intensively nourishes and restores dry skin, improves skin elasticity and strengthens skin structure.
    • Gongjinhyang Intensive Nutritive Cream (4 ml) - high nutritional value cream. Provides elasticity and firmness to the skin, improves tone and strengthens epidermal immunity. Moisturises and nourishes the skin, prevents premature ageing and fights against fine lines.



    The History of Whoo - Imperaatorinna ajalugu. Korea keiserlik luksuskosmeetika, mis põhineb idamaistel ravimtaimedel. Brändi filosoofia – iidsete iluretseptide ja nanotehnoloogia kombinatsioon viib teid luksuse ja elegantsi maailma. Bränd kuulub juhtivale kosmeetikatootjale LG, mis on kvaliteetse ja uuendusliku kosmeetika loomise liider. The History of Whoo põhineb salajasel iidsel hiina retseptil Gongjindian, mis töötati kunagi välja keiserliku perekonna jaoks, kes ihkas igavest noorust ja ilu. Tootja kinnitab, et eksootilised koostisosad nagu spargel, kikkaputk, sarvelaadsed moodustised ja metsik tüümian stimuleerivad eluenergia Qi ringlust. Looduslik ja ilma kahjulike säilitusaineteta.


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